The Game Changer In Plumbing

The K-Valve® is a revolutionary device used in the inspection and testing of sewer and stormwater systems. These vital procedures are legal requirements across all residential, commercial and industrial environments. A recent interview with Wynnes Patent And Trade Mark Attornies uncovered how innovative plumbing inventor, Glenn Knight, has singlehandedly transformed testing plugs and stormwater testing […]
Avoid The Test Plug Pitfalls With K-Valve

Look in any plumber’s box of tools and you’re likely to find an assortment of test plugs. They’ve traditionally been an essential part of the testing process sealing up the pipes and then creating pressure inside the system. Plumbers may need to ensure that the piping system on a newly built office block is in […]
The Benefits of the K-Valve – Plumbing Testing Valve

The K-Valve testing and inspecting plumbing technology presents an innovative design that addresses the problem of plumbing workplace injury and lost plugs. Thanks to the K-Valve plumbing testing valve, testing stormwater and wastewater has never been easier or safer!